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Given Courtyard Infill

University of Vermont (Burlington, VT)

LEED Gold | US Green Building Council
Merit Mention, Public Building Category | Vermont AIA Design Awards
Honor Award, Best of the Best in Commercial Building Design | Efficiency Vermont
The Given Courtyard is at the nexus of major circulation arteries within UVM’s medical school complex.  To gain laboratory and administrative space, the College of Medicine opted to infill the courtyard.  Black River Design’s solution treats the residual space between the two freestanding infill buildings, and the existing building, as a network of streets with ample daylight and places to sit.  The result is a new heart space for the College of Medicine: a daylight filled public space, the courtyard at Given is a place to meet, socialize, eat and study in as well as a venue for organized alumni events.

Project Team

Structural Engineer: Novelli Engineering

Mechanical and Electrical Engineer: LN Consulting

General Contractor: Engelberth Construction

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